2019年10月24日,Prof. Greg G. Qiao (Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne) 访问功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室,并做了题为“RAFT in Blood, MOF to Cancer and Star vs Superbugs”的学术报告。

Professor Greg Qiao received his B.En in Donghua University in 1982 and Ph.D. at the University of Queensland in 1996. He joined the University of Melbourne in 1996 and became a full Professor in 2009. He was an Australian Research Council’s professorial Future Fellow (2012-2015). He is a Fellow of RACI and RSC. Prof Qiao was the Chair of Polymer Division of the RACI (2015-2016) and a member of ARC College of Experts (2016-2018). Prof Qiao received RACI Applied Research Award in 2017, ExxonMobil Award of Excellence for Chemical Engineering in 2015, RACI’s Polymer Division Citation in 2011 and Freehills Award in 2010. He has published > 250 journal papers and > 20 patents. His key research interests are in novel macromolecular architectures, new activation methods for RAFT process, structurally nanoengineered, antibacterial peptide polymers (SNAPPs), peptide eco polymers as alternative plastics, soft tissue engineering scaffolds, polymeric gas membranes, and chemical engineering products.