2019年9月16日,比利时根特大学(Ghent University)有机与高分子化学系Richard Hoogenboom教授访问功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室,并做了题为“Poly(2-oxazoline)s: From fundamental aspects to biomaterials”的学术报告。

Prof. Richard Hoogenboom is heading the Supramolecular Chemistry (SC) group that was founded based on his appointment as associate professor in 2010 (full professor since 2014) at Ghent University, Belgium. He obtained a PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology under supervision of Prof. Ulrich S. Schubert and performed postdoctoral research with Prof. Martin Mö ller (RWTH Aachen) and Prof. Roeland Nolte (Radboud University Nijmegen). He has published more than 350 refereed scientific articles that received 15,000+ citations (h-index 62) and is listed as inventor on 16 patent families. He is currently associate editor for European Polymer Journal and Australian Journal of Chemistry. Prof. Hoogenboom is the recipient of the inaugural RSC Polymer Chemistry award (2015), the PI IUPAC young investigator award (2016), the Prometheus award for research from Ghent University (2016) and the ACS Macromolecules/Biomacromolecules Young Investigator award (2017). Since January 2018, He is a cofounder of Avroxa BVBA that commercialized poly(2-oxazoline)s under the tradename Ultroxa® .