2018年4月27日北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校黄力夫教授 (Prof. Leaf HUANG)访问功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室,并做了题为“Overcoming the Suppressive Immune Microenvironment with Nanoparticles”的学术报告。
Professor Leaf Huang is the Fred Eshelman Distinguished Professor, Division of Pharmacoengineering and Molecular Pharmaceutics in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Huang’s research focuses on non-viral gene therapy and targeted drug delivery of cancer. He has pioneered the liposome non-viral vector and has designed and manufactured the cationic lipid vector for the first non-viral clinical trial in 1992. He has authored or co-authored more than 500 papers with an H-index of 115. He is also the inventor or co-inventor of 21 US and foreign patents. Dr. Huang has also co-founded 6 biotech start-ups in the past.