Heteroaromatic Hyperbranched Polyelectrolytes: Multicomponent Polyannulation and Photodynamic Biopatterning
Liu, XL (Liu, Xiaolin)[ 1,2,4 ] ; Xiao, MH (Xiao, Minghui)[ 3 ] ; Xue, K (Xue, Ke)[ 3 ] ; Li, MZ (Li, Mingzhao)[ 5 ] ; Liu, DM (Liu, Dongming)[ 5 ] ; Wang, Y (Wang, Yong)[ 1,2 ] ; Yang, XZ (Yang, Xinzhe)[ 5 ] ; Hu, YB (Hu, Yubing)[ 1,2 ] ; Kwok, RTK (Kwok, Ryan T. K.)[ 1,2 ] ; Qin, AJ (Qin, Anjun)[ 5 ] ; Zhu, CL (Zhu, Chunlei)[ 3 ] ; Lam, JWY (Lam, Jacky W. Y.)[ 1,2,4 ] ; Tang, BZ (Tang, Ben Zhong)[ 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 ]
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202104709
We reported an efficient multicomponent polyannulation for in situ generation of heteroaromatic hyperbranched polyelectrolytes by using readily accessible internal diynes and low-cost, commercially available arylnitriles, NaSbF6, and H2O/AcOH. The polymers were obtained in excellent yields (up to 99 %) with extraordinary high molecular weights (M-w up to 1.011x10(6)) and low polydispersity indices. The resulting polymers showed good processibility and high quantum yields with tunable emission in the solid state, making them ideal materials for highly ordered fluorescent photopatterning. These hyperbranched polyelectrolytes also possessed strong ability to generate reactive oxygen species, which allowed their applications in efficient bacterial killing and customizable photodynamic patterning of living organisms in a simple and cost-effective way.