Flexible heteroatom-doped graphitic hollow carbon fibers for ultrasensitive and reusable electric current sensing
Jiang, ZP (Jiang, Zhiping)[ 1 ] ; Shao, Y (Shao, Yue)[ 1 ] ; Zhao, P (Zhao, Peng)[ 1 ] ; Wang, H (Wang, Hong)[ 1 ]
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2019, 55(85): 12853-12856
DOI: 10.1039/c9cc06341b
Flexible, highly conductive, robust nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) co-doped graphitic hollow carbon fibers (CFs) were directly fabricated by vacuum carbonization of "human hairs". By engineering these cost-effective CFs with polydiacetylene (PDA), a new family of ultrasensitive, reversible electrochromatic fibers that display switchable color transition (blue red) upon exposure to current and UV-light stimuli was successfully created.