Nanoscale Proteinosomes Fabricated by Self-Assembly of a
Supramolecular Protein-Polymer Conjugate
Han, GD (Han, Guangda); Wang, JT (Wang, Jin-Tao); Ji, XT (Ji, Xiaotian); Liu, L (Liu, Li)[ 1 ] ; Zhao, HY (Zhao, Hanying)[ 1 ]
CHEMISTRY, 2017, 28(2): 636-641
DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.6b00704
are a type of protein-based spherical capsules, which have potential
applications in drug delivery, cell imaging, gene expression, and biocatalysis.
In this research, a novel approach to the fabrication of proteinosomes entirely
composed of protein molecules based on self-assembly of a supramolecular
protein polymer conjugate is proposed. A supramolecular protein polymer
conjugate was prepared by mixing beta CD-modified bovine serum albumin (BSA)
and adamantane-terminated poly(N-isopropylamide) (Ad-PNIPAM) in aqueous
solution. The BSA-PNIPAM bioconjugate self assembled into micelles with PNIPAM
cores and BSA coronae at a temperature above the lower critical solution
temperature (LCST) of PNIPAM. After cross-linking of BSA in the coronae, and followed
by addition of excess beta CD, PNIPAM chains were cleaved from the micellar
structures, and nanoscale proteinosomes were prepared. The dual-responsive
proteinosomes dissociated in the presence of trypsin or glutathione.