Mesoscale Graphene-like Honeycomb Mono- and Multilayers
Constructed via Self-Assembly of Coclusters
Hou, XS (Hou, Xue-Sen)[ 1,2 ] ; Zhu, GL (Zhu, Guo-Long)[ 4 ] ; Ren, LJ (Ren, Li-Jun)[ 1,2 ] ; Huang, ZH (Huang, Zi-Han)[ 4 ] ; Zhang, RB (Zhang, Rui-Bin)[ 5,6 ] ; Ungar, G (Ungar, Goran)[ 5,6 ] ; Yan, LT (Yan, Li-Tang)[ 4 ] ; Wang, W (Wang, Wei)[ 1,2,3 ]
THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2018, 140(5): 1805-1811
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b11324
structure endows graphene with extraordinary properties. But could a honeycomb
monolayer superlattice also be generated via self-assembly of colloids or
nanoparticles? Here we report the construction of mono- and multilayer
molecular films with honeycomb structure that can be regarded as self-assembled
artificial graphene (SAAG). We construct fan-shaped molecular building blocks
by covalently connecting two kinds of clusters, one polyoxometalate and four
polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes. The precise shape control enables these
complex molecules to self-assemble into a monolayer 2D honeycomb superlattice
that mirrors that of graphene but on the mesoscale. The self-assembly of the
SAAG was also reproduced via coarse-grained molecular simulations of a
fan-shaped building block. It revealed a hierarchical key determining the
honeycomb structure. Experimental images also show a diversity of bi- and trilayer
stacking modes. The successful creation of SAAG and its stacks opens up
prospects for the preparation of novel self-assembled nanomaterials with unique