Crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel microspheres
containing dispersed fenofibrate nanocrystals as an oral sustained delivery
Li, T (Li, Tao)[ 1 ] ; Lei, Y (Lei, Yun)[ 1 ] ; Guo, M (Guo, Miao)[ 1 ] ; Yan, HS (Yan, Husheng)[ 1,2 ]
POLYMER JOURNAL, 2018, 101: 77-82
DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.02.003
Poorly water
soluble drugs often show low oral bioavailability due to their low dissolution
rate. In the present study, cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel
microspheres were prepared. Nanocrystals of fenofibrate as a model of poorly
water soluble drugs were dispersed within the poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel
microspheres by swelling the microspheres with fenofibrate/methanol solution,
followed by evaporation of the solvent methanol. The fenofibrate dissolution
rate from the fenofibrate-loaded hydrogel microspheres in a medium simulating
gastrointestinal tract conditions was much higher than the dissolution rate of
free fenofibrate. And the dissolution assay also showed that fenofibrate
released from the hydrogel in a sustained manner. In vivo pharmacokinetic study
showed that the fenofibrate-loaded hydrogel microspheres showed much higher
bioavailability compared with free fenofibrate, and similar bioavailability but
longer half-lives and mean residence time and lower maximum plasma
concentration compared with a marked fenofibrate formulation Lipanthylm after
oral administration in rats, indicating that the fenofibrate-loaded PVA
hydrogel exhibited lower fluctuation in plasma drug concentration and more
sustained release behavior.