2022年4月14日,Professor Iain McCulloch (University of Oxford) 以线上方式与功能高分子材料教育部重点实验室的师生进行交流,并做了题为Designing High Performing Semiconducting Polymers 的学术报告。

Prof. Iain McCulloch received his PhD from University of Strathclyde in 1989.He joined the University of Oxford in 2020 as a Professor of Polymer Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry.Prior to this, he held joint appointments as Professor of Chemical Science and Director of KAUST Solar Center at KAUST, as well as a Chair in Polymer Materials in the Chemistry Department at Imperial College. He is the recipient of the 2020 Blaise Pascal Medal for Materials Science, the Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 Interdisciplinary Prize and 2014 Tilden Medal for Advances in Chemistry. His interests are in the design and investigation of organic semiconducting materials.